

Karnali River Basin Conservation Fund (KRBCF) is the first conservation-focused impact investment fund in Nepal. We fundraise, mobilize, and invest in innovative ventures to stimulate local economy and promote conservation in the Karnali River Basin Area. We are a blended vehicle in that we source investments from public, private, and development sectors.

Photo credit: Nabin Baral for USAID

Karnali River Basin Conservation Fund (KRBCF) is the first conservation-focused impact investment fund in Nepal. We fundraise, mobilize, and invest in innovative ventures to stimulate local economy and promote conservation in the Karnali River Basin Area. We are a blended vehicle in that we source investments from public, private, and development sectors.

Photo credit: USAID Paani Program/Aura Creations

Karnali River Basin Conservation Fund (KRBCF) is the first conservation-focused impact investment fund in Nepal. We fundraise, mobilize, and invest in innovative ventures to stimulate local economy and promote conservation in the Karnali River Basin Area. We are a blended vehicle in that we source investments from public, private, and development sectors.

Photo credit: USAID Paani Program/Aura Creations

Karnali River Basin Conservation Fund (KRBCF) is the first conservation-focused impact investment fund in Nepal. We fundraise, mobilize, and invest in innovative ventures to stimulate local economy and promote conservation in the Karnali River Basin Area. We are a blended vehicle in that we source investments from public, private, and development sectors.

Photo credit: USAID Paani Program/ Ang Lama
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The Fund

Karnali River Basin Conservation Fund

DSV Advisors will manage the KRBCF (Fund), which will be established under the Alternate Investment Fund guidelines of Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON). The fund will invest in potential high growth conservation ventures that the Foundation would have helped identify, build, and strengthen.

The Funds participation in the conservation space would be through:

Equity Investment: Direct equity investments for companies in the River Basin, pipeline curated by Foundation activities.

Debt Investment: Program lending using partners such as Banks and Micro-finance institutions.

Structured Finance: Capital will be crowded-in using various risk participation and capital market opportunities.

Investment Principles

Photo credit: Nabin Baral for USAID

We Prioritize Conservation

Conservation is a major consideration for us. We invest in businesses that prioritize environmental conservation and help society adapt to the impact of climate change. Thus, we strive to promote greener and cleaner businesses.

We are Responsible Investors

Our mission is to align conservation and economic return. Our investments will not only help economic growth, but they will also have governance and social impact. Thus, we consider our investment companies’ potential for impact when we invest. We promote job creation and gender inclusion so that the benefits of the growth are shared.


We are Sector Agnostic

Our investee companies could come from a wide range of sectors. The key criteria for them is to have conservation focus. This could translate different for different companies.

We Invest for Future

We have a long-term horizon for our investments. Our investment team works closely with the investors and the investee companies to align the expectations. We deeply engage with our partners to ensure that the future returns are both financially and environmentally sustainable.

We are the Last-Mile Investors

We are the last-mile investors investing where there is a high need and low supply of capital. Our investment focuses on regions that are challenging but also have high potential. This enables us to make unparalleled impact in regions where we invest.

Photo credit: Nabin Baral for USAID

Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program
Photo credit: USAID Paani Program

Investment Portfolio

Social, Environmental and Economical

DSV Advisors employs a rigorous multi-stage investment selection process. We are sector agnostic and start with a broad universe of potential investments. We screen investment opportunities based on their social, environmental, and economic impact.

Learn more about the Potential of the Region